Contact Us

We invite you to send us any feedback, or questions, using the form below.

Join Your H&S

We welcome you to join us and help make a difference in your child’s highschool experience.

Support Us

Check out our fundraisers to support your child’s highschool experience.

Meet Your H&S Executive

We are doing our best to help enhance your child’s highschool experience.
(coming soon)


Send Us a Message Anytime!


Contact Us

Email Address


250 Beaurepaire Dr.
Beaconsfield, QC H9W 5G7

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

We welcome you to join our H&S as a paid member to offer your voice to all we do for your child and the BHS community. 

Become a Member Today!

Membership Type
Your Name
Student Name(s)
More Details

You can choose to pay online this year by filling out the form above and pay using your credit card or PayPal account connected to your bank account.

Note: we have added the transaction fees of $0.90 ($0.40 for associate fee) for online payments.

If you would rather pay via cheque, please click here to download the form that you can print and send into the school with your child.

Beaconsfield High School 250 Beaurepaire Dr. Beaconsfield, QC H9W 5G7

Email Us:

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