Beaconsfield HS
Home & School
Do you want to make a difference in your child’s education?
Do you want to feel more in-touch with your child’s school life?
Do you want to help build a greater sense of community at your child’s school?
How You Can Get Involved
Donate, Support our fundraisers, and/or Join Us!
Volunteer on Your H&S
We meet once a month online for about 1.5hrs. Hear from our admin and teacher reps about things happening in the school. Contribute your ideas to help raise funds or generally make your child(ren)’s High School experience awesome.
In addition to our regular activities, we work with the school to identify long term improvement projects that could benefit from our financial support.
Browse our events and fundraisers section to learn more about active fundraisers and how you can get involved. Support our teachers & staff, and your child(ren), by participating in the fundraisers and spreading the word.
Next H&S Meeting
Join us on the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday each month at 7:00pm – on ZOOM.
(View the schedule here)
ALL are welcome, you do not need to be a member to join us, only to vote.
Please RSVP for the meetings (yay or nay) by clicking the green RSVP HERE button below.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Become a Member Today!
More Details
What’s the difference between Regular and Associate membership?
Regular membership is for your first/only Home & School. If you wish to also be a member at another school, then you would only pay the associate fee at the 2nd/3rd, etc. Home & School. You have the same voting rights, regardless what fee you pay.
NOTE: only one membership per FAMILY is needed, even if both parents are involved.
You can choose to pay online by filling out the form above and pay using your credit card or PayPal account connected to your bank account.
Note: we have added the transaction fees of $0.91 ($0.40 for associate fee) for online payments.
If you would rather pay via cheque, please click here to download the form that you can print and send into the school with your child.
Events & Fundraisers
We are still in the beginnings of a new school year and have not yet made decisions on which fundraisers and events to run this year. Join our next meeting to contribute to the discussion and share your ideas.
NOTE: Only paid members can vote, but all ideas are welcome! Sign up here if you want to have a vote as well.

Helpful West Island resources
Prepared with care by your BHS Home and School team.
Please note this is a non-extensive list of important resources. For more information, please contact Info-social or your local CLSC.
We are dedicated to enhancing the education and general wellbeing of our youth. We provide support in all areas of school life. JOIN our amazing home and school team! Become a member today!
Click to learn more
Our Comedy Night fundraiser is done, but it’s still possible to contribute to our fundraiser! Make a donation to our campaign right here:
Tru Earth offers enviro-friendly cleaning products
Click on Shop Now to purchase on-line and have delivery directly to your home. 20% of the profits on purchases made through our link will come to BHS. Share the link with friends and family.
February Home & School Meeting
All are welcome! This month we’re meeting over Zoom. RSVP below to let us know if you are joining us and you will receive the link with your confirmation. Please […]
March Home & School Meeting
All are welcome! This month we’re meeting over Zoom. RSVP below to let us know if you are joining us and you will receive the link with your confirmation. Please […]
April Home & School Meeting
All are welcome! This month we’re meeting over Zoom. RSVP below to let us know if you are joining us and you will receive the link with your confirmation. Please […]
May Home & School Meeting
All are welcome! This month we’re meeting over Zoom. RSVP below to let us know if you are joining us and you will receive the link with your confirmation. Please […]
Become a Volunteer Today
WHAT are the benefits of BHS Home & School?
- We are dedicated to enhancing the education and general well-being of our youth.
- We are an independent voice that acts for you.
- We provide support in all areas of school life ‐ student/parent workshops, library, sports equipment, music, computer software, teacher appreciation.
WHY become a member?
- Because you care and want to support the Students, Parents and Staff.
- Gives you an active voice and guarantees our affiliation with the Quebec Federation of Home and School’s (QFHSA) proven track record.
- Have voting autonomy to raise and spend money on the projects that we, the parents, see fit for our children at BHS.
It’s never too late to help! Support YOUR students by joining as a Member for $20, or an Associate Member for $3. You will receive regular notices of meeting events, learning opportunities and opportunities to help around the school.

What Does Your Donation Do?
In the past, your generous donations have supported the library renovation, courtyard embellishments, and more!
This year, despite the challenges of the pandemic, we are fundraising to help modernize the main entry of the school.
Helping all of BHS – Teachers, Staff and Students
We strive to help make the school experience the best for all our children, and our hard-working teachers and staff! These past months have been no exception – and have only solidified our resolve that we can – and must – do more!

Hear From Our Members & Staff
News & Updates
2025 January 14 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Agenda Minutes
2024 November 20 AGM Minutes
Agenda Minutes
2024 October 9 Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Agenda Minutes
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We welcome you to join our H&S as a paid member to offer your voice to all we do for your child and the BHS community. And you're always welcome to submit your ideas and feedback via the form below.
We’re always open to new ideas - whether it’s fundraising ideas, or projects that might be worth investing in for the betterment of the school (students and/or staff).
Fill out the form below to submit your questions, ideas or feedback to your Home & School team.
We Welcome Your Qs, Ideas & Feedback
Become a Member Today!
More Details
You can choose to pay online this year by filling out the form above and pay using your credit card or PayPal account connected to your bank account.
Note: we have added the transaction fees of $0.91 ($0.40 for associate fee) for online payments.
If you would rather pay via cheque, please click here to download the form that you can print and send into the school with your child.
Beaconsfield High School 250 Beaurepaire Dr. Beaconsfield, QC H9W 5G7
Email Us:
Click below for BHS on FB and Instagram
(note: BHS Home & School currently does not have any social accounts)